Origins and History of Superman
Superman is hands down the most popular superhero ever created. With his trademark “S” symbol across his chest, he is the most recognizable fictional character in comic book history. His most recognizable characteristics are his super strength and the fact that he is a good guy and always tries to do the right thing, which in some cases may be a weakness. His origin story is very popular and has been portrayed in live action movies multiple times. It can also be found in superman comics online.
The story follows an alien baby by the name of Kal El, from the planet of Krypton that is sent to Earth by his parents in order to save his life. His parents launch their beloved baby into a space capsule as their home planet is being destroyed. The baby lands safely on Earth and is adopted by Martha and Jonathan Kent who live on a farm. They raise their boy as their own and name him Clark. Along the way they find out that this is no ordinary boy and this is where it all begins.
Superboy Comics: Where Do I Start
Like we mentioned in the paragraph above, there are a lot of superman comics that include a lot of stories. Those stories contain a lot of different characters, superheroes, villains and even undefined ones. One of those characters is Superboy. Superboy is a very interesting and complicated character. That all starts from his creation, basically he is a clone that contains both Superman’s and Lex Luthor’s DNA. With that being said, you can imagine how twisted his back story is.
In order to make things a little more clear to all you readers out there we’ve decided to make a little introduction list of superman comics online which include Superboy. This will help you understand his character and purpose in the DC universe. Without further ado, here is our list:
- Young Justice: Sins of Youth
- Teen Titans, Vol. 1: A Kids Game
- Teen Titans, Vol. 5: Life and Death
- Superboy #83-88
- Superboy: Boy of Steel
Note: We kindly suggest you read these comics in that order to get the full experience of the character.
Top 10 Superman Comics You Must Read
There are a lot of issues of superman comics online since he is one of the most popular and oldest fictional characters ever. The era of digitalization has made superman comics online easily accessible and available to anyone who wishes to read about this superhero. Aside from superman comics online, you can find them in local comic book stores which are sadly a rare sight. Like we said there is an abundance of superman comics online and it will take a lot of time and dedication to read them all. That is why we narrowed our superman comics online list to the top 10 Superman comics you must read! That being said, we present to you our list:
- Superman: Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow? – 1986
- All-Star Superman – 2006
- Superman: Red Son – 2003
- Superman: Last Son of Krypton – 2006
- The Death of Superman – 1992
- Action Comics: “Brainiac” – 2008
- Lex Luthor: Man of Steel – 2005
- Superman: Secret Identity – 2004
- Superman: Secret Origin – 2009
- Superman: Earth One – 2010
The Adventures of Superboy TV Series
The adventures of superboytv series is a TV series that was broadcast between 1966 and 1969. The adventures of superboytv series represents a series of six minute animated cartoon that featured Superboy. The series also marked the animation debut of the character known as Superboy. The series followed the adventures of Superboy as he skipped high school classes in order to fight off the bad guys. The superboytv series cast feature the likes of Bunny Henning who voiced Lana Lang, Ross Elliott who voiced Mr. Drake, Monty Margetts as Mrs. Kent and of course there aren’t many superboy actors which can match the performance of John Rockwell in this series.
Superman Games
It is a well-known fact that Superman is probably the most recognizable fictional character in history. That being said it is only natural that people include him in their products and slots games are no exception. You can find Superman themed slots games in most of the online casino sites. These online casinos sites are a very fun and convenient way to enjoy Superman themed slots games and who know, you might even get lucky and make some real money out of it.
There are a lot of reasons why online casino sites are a great way to enjoy these games and one of those is the casino bonus. The casino bonus provided by the online casino sites is a great way to get ahead in your quest to making real money. One particular casino bonus is the no deposit bonus. The no deposit bonus is a type of casino bonus that offers you a chance to try out some games for free without making a deposit, helping you make real money right at the start.